Children and Young People at Holy Cross
Holy Cross is a family centred parish and has a strong group of catechists who support Liturgy, special services and preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Communion, and Confirmation. Our aim is to work with Father Jon to help and support all our young people on their journey of faith.
People involved:
Children’s Liturgy Catechists: Mary Pike, Kate Jackson & Eileen Lane
Co-ordinator: Mary Pike
Youth Catechists: Clare McNamara and Francine Brooks
When does this happen?
Children’s Liturgy
- Every Sunday during Mass, school term times only. All children under the age of 4 must be accompanied by a parent or carer.
- Family Stations of the Cross – Good Friday
- Children’s Nativity at Christmas
Additional services as requested
Reconciliation and First Holy Communion – this happens annually with the preparation programme commencing January and Sacramental Services in May.
Confirmation – this takes place every 3 years with a 9 month programme of preparation. 2016/17 Confirmation programme in progress.
NB: There are strict Safeguarding guidelines about photographing children at any event. Please ask beforehand.
Skills needed to be a catechist
- Friendly, caring and patient & ability to work as a team.
- The desire to engage young people in the Liturgy
No experience needed as full support and training will be given.
All Catechists have to be DBS* checked. Any questions or if you would like to know more about being a catechist, please contact: Mary Pike or Francine Brooks.
* Disclosure and Barring Service