Information and Action during the Coronavirus Pandemic
For the last 18 months we have all worked so hard to keep everyone ‘safe’ in our Church. Thank You.
Post Covid Update May 29th 2022
The church is now open on a Wednesday between the hours of 9am and 2pm.
Youth Service – COVID 19
Young people from across our diocese have shared their thoughts and reflections on COVID 19. Many of us have been through a challenging time but there are good things that have happened such as experiencing quality family time. Our young people have linked their experiences with stories from the bible and some have thought about Saints lives, relating the things they did with some of the Saints. To see our youth service please go to: https://youtube/ekDqdB3_YG8 If you would like to take part in the next Youth Service please contact Bless Youth Ministry in our Diocese.
A suitable prayer to help you make a ‘spiritual communion’:
My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there, and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.
Daily Mass will be streamed at 11am from Plymouth Cathedral, available from the Plymouth Cathedral website. This is the one place where we can join together each day as a Diocesan family individually make our own act of spiritual communion. In addition, every afternoon at 4:30pm there will be a time of prayer before the blessed sacrament again available online.
Both the Mass and the Evening Prayer will remain available to view at a later time.
Catholic Diocesan Newspapers: these can be seen online during this period:,
Children’s Liturgy:
The Children’s Liturgy catechists sometimes use the sites below to help with planning a Sunday Children’s Liturgy.
You might find them useful to wok through with your children.
The CAFOD site also has sheets to download to keep little people busy!
Christian focused resources for families:-
Resources to use with children during school closures